Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tasty Tuesday.

Why is today Tasty?

Not a clue. But it sounded good, so I used it.

I'm going just a little insane this last month of summer.

Trying to stock up on stuff for Evan to prepare him for the upcoming school year. I have enough lunch stuff to last us until December.

Today we went to buy him crayons that are required for school. The list that I have states VERY SPECIFICALLY, "Crayola, 8 pack, basic colors". That's it. So when I traveled to Target and went right to their "back to school" section, I thought it was very natural to assume that I would find these crayons easily. I thought that most teachers at other schools would think that basic colors would be the easiest to find/use, so we will ask for those. Think it was easy for me? You guessed correctly. I did not find the crayons I was looking for. However, there were tons of Crayola 8 pack of crayons there to choose from, just none in "basic colors".

Here were my options:
1. Pink Princess
2. Metallic Magic
3. Mermaid Shimmer
4. Cupcake My Day
5. Rocker Girl
6. Over The Rainbow
7. Dinosaur Roar
8. Born to Rock
9. Pirates Treasure
10. Sports Fan

YES, 10 random options for back to school, all reasonably priced, yet none required. Seriously Target? How many teachers do you know that are going to ask for Metallic Magic pack of crayons? Damn you.

So I had to ask an employee where I could find the "normal" crayons. She gave me a look of disgust for bothering her with my simple-minded question but had to walk me over to a completely different section of the store, where they were hidden amongst the other "normal" crayons that apparently are no longer part of the cool ranks for school. Maybe our teacher isn't part of the updated cool-list that came out requiring children to have Pirates Treasure instead of Basic Colors.

I know. Such a dumb thing to get irritated about. But shopping with 3 kids in a Target is no picnic in the first place and I was seriously annoyed by this.

There are tons of other things occupying my time this August as well. Probably not on the same level as people with actual jobs or things to do. But hey, in my mind, these things are taking up space. I don't have a lot of room for other thoughts...like remembering to brush my teeth or wash my hair.

1. Our remodel. Ugh...I'm not going into detail, but this is getting rocky. My husband and I have had many LOUD discussions over this topic. I'm trying hard to make the remodel cheaper, but that also has been making it harder to accomplish. Go figure.
2. Soccer. Games, practices, treats, jamborees, pictures...seriously. He's 5. He doesn't even touch the ball because he has other important things to do, like stare off into space or whine about how hot it is. Other 5 year olds are whipping around the field, scoring killer goals that would make a professional soccer player jealous. Those parents have to be in the backyard doing numerous drills with their children. Can we tone this down a notch?
3. My projects. My husband would be asking me, "If these stress you out so much, why do you do them?" Because I like to. When I get started on a project, it makes me all excited and let's me work with my hands on something cool, whether it's for the house or something I plan on getting rid of. It's fun to create stuff and be proud when it turns out how you wanted it to.
4. I keep trying to schedule playdates, but then I forget about them. So I quit. My poor kids. They have me as a Mom.
5. The State Fair is approaching. This is a yearly event that we MUST partake in, much to the dismay of my husband. He dreads taking the children out in public. Not that I blame him, much, but eventually they will have to learn what civilized humans look like, the earlier the better. So I have been planning out our adventure to make it as quick and easy as possible.
6. I want to make it to the Renaissance Festival. I love it there. But I'm hunting for cheaper tickets and a time that we can actually go, which is harder than I thought.
7. My husband is going through lots of stuff and because he is thinking too much, that makes me think too much. Stop thinking Jay.

Our son Declan is going through a small issue. He has been in speech therapy for about 8 months now and it's going OK. Morgan was in with him, but she's advanced enough to be removed. Declan will be starting speech therapy again, along with occupational therapy this fall. We are a little worried about his speech and wondering if it's not his ears causing issues or something else entirely. Declan and Morgan both had tubes put in this past winter and it seemed to help them both. But now, we aren't quite sure it helped Declan enough. Who knows?

Either way, I'm trying my hardest not to think too much about it and just enjoy him and who he is. He is so smart, so brave and daring. It's a Mom thing, I think, to constantly be concerned about your children and if you are doing enough for them. I would love for him to go to Kindergarten with his sister in a few years, but I'm not sure that will happen. Not that it would be a huge deal, but the sooner I figure this out, the sooner I can get him the help he needs.

Look at that face! I love this kid, despite the fact that he runs me to the ground each and every day.

I'm pretty sure I won the Mom of The Month award for August. I boiled lunch over, not once, but twice yesterday, ruining my clean stove and making the kids wait for pasta an extra half hour while I did clean up, twice. I also served expired cinnamon rolls this morning for breakfast, all because I forgot to take milk out of the freezer for breakfast.

They were only a month old and we survived. Those things are so preserved that I'm pretty sure the expiration date is just there for looks.

Please hold your applause until the actual ceremony at the end of the month. I still have a couple weeks to nail my win completely.


  1. Are crayons seriously that complicated these days? Wow.

    I hope everything else you've mentioned goes smoothly for you and your family, too.

  2. man, you have far more patience than I. I would have just grabbed the biggest 96-pack box I could find on the theory that somewhere in there probably lie the 8 he needs.


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